AutoGen 是一个多 Agent 框架,聚焦多 Agent 通过协同去解决任务,目前 AutoGen 最新版还在开发阶段,代码文档相对比较混乱
以下 AutoGen 例子中涉及 2 个概念:Agent、Team,其中 Agent 定位是收到消息采取行动,所以可以为其绑定工具或者函数,team 则定义 Agent 的交互方式,其中 RoundRobinGroupChat 表示顺序循环调用 Agent
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| import nest_asyncio nest_asyncio.apply() import requests from api_key import GAODE_WEATHER_API_KEY async def get_weather(city_name:str)->str: '''根据输入的城市名,使用高德接口查询当地天气''' url = f'{GAODE_WEATHER_API_KEY}&city={city_name}&extensions=all' try: response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() if data.get('status') == '1' and data.get('infocode') == '10000': today_weather=data['forecasts'][0]['casts'][0] return f"今天:{today_weather['date']}\n广州天气:{today_weather['dayweather']} 白天气温{today_weather['daytemp']}摄氏度 晚上气温{today_weather['nighttemp']}摄氏度" else: return '' else: return '' except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") return ''
由于 AutoGen 官方没有支持 ollma 模型调用,目前通过 litellm 对接 ollama 与 AutoGen,在 ollama 已有模型的前提下,通过 litellm --model ollama/qwen2.5:latest
实现,然后在 http:\\localhost:4000
使用 ollama 模型
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| from autogen_agentchat.agents import AssistantAgent from autogen_agentchat.conditions import MaxMessageTermination from autogen_agentchat.teams import RoundRobinGroupChat from autogen_agentchat.ui import Console from autogen_ext.models.openai import OpenAIChatCompletionClient async def main()->None: weather_agent=AssistantAgent( name='weather_agent', model_client=OpenAIChatCompletionClient( model="gpt-4o", api_key="NotRequiredSinceWeAreLocal", base_url="", ), tools=[get_weather] ) termination = MaxMessageTermination(3) agent_team=RoundRobinGroupChat( [weather_agent], termination_condition=termination ) stream=agent_team.run_stream(task="广州天气怎么样?") await Console(stream=stream) await main()
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| ---------- user ---------- 广州天气怎么样? C:\Users\wushaogui\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\autogen_agentchat\agents\ UserWarning: Resolved model mismatch: gpt-4o-2024-08-06 != ollama/qwen2.5:latest. Model mapping may be incorrect. result = await self._model_client.create( ---------- weather_agent ---------- [FunctionCall(id='call_121204b2-2f4d-4453-a896-5527b8673774', arguments='{"city_name": "\\u5e7f\\u5dde"}', name='get_weather')] [Prompt tokens: 177, Completion tokens: 18] ---------- weather_agent ---------- [FunctionExecutionResult(content='今天:2024-12-12\n广州天气:多云 白天气温20摄氏度 晚上气温12摄氏度', call_id='call_121204b2-2f4d-4453-a896-5527b8673774')] ---------- weather_agent ---------- 今天:2024-12-12 广州天气:多云 白天气温20摄氏度 晚上气温12摄氏度 ---------- Summary ---------- Number of messages: 4 Finish reason: Maximum number of messages 3 reached, current message count: 4 Total prompt tokens: 177 Total completion tokens: 18 Duration: 0.87 seconds